Ekemini Uwan

Theology | Culture | Race | Politics

Panel discussion on Race & the Church from the Ethnos Conference on November 12, 2016 in Baltimore featuring Thabiti Anyabwile, Matt Stevens, Ekemini Uwan, Jenny Yang, and Moderator Michael Crawford. 

Courageous Conversations IV: Social Justice as an Apologetic February 1, 2017

Ekemini Uwan and Andrew Wilkes discuss social justice as an apologetic.

What does Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden have to do with the Dakota Access Pipeline, The Flint Water Crisis, and the Black Lives Matter Movement? Watch this video as Ekemini teaches us about the devastating impact of the Fall of humanity.
Ekemini explains what social media is, the good, the bad, and the ugly. She challenges us to examine the ways that we have gossiped and slandered others online. Additionally, she conducts a mini-Twitter autopsy on her Twitter profile.

Ekemini explains what social media is, the good, the bad, and the ugly. She challenges us to examine the ways that we have gossiped and slandered others online. Additionally, she conducts a mini-Twitter autopsy on her Twitter profile.

June 7, 2018 Jude 3 Project and the Witness: A Black Collective presents #Seminarywhileblack Google Hangout featuring Lisa Fields, Jemar Tisby, Maliek Blade and Ekemini Uwan. They share what is like to be in #seminarywhileblack.

Ekemini had the honor of giving the 2018 High School graduation commencement speech at Simon Gratz Mastery Charter School in North Philadelphia on June 13, 2018. The title of her speech is , "Our Stories Matter."

Copyright 2019 by Ekemini B. Uwan